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1. Anthropogenic effects on the human environment in the Neogene basins in the SE Europe 2012
2. Дополнителен рударски проект за експлоатација на лапорци на површинскиот коп „Усје“ - Скопје2012
3. The World Justice Project/Rule of Law Index 20122012
4. "Small molecule screen to identify inhibitors of DUX4-mediated toxicity, therapeutic approach for FSHD"2012
5. "Chemical inhibitors of DUX4, therapeutic approach for FSHD"2012
6. Извештај за санација на свлечиштетo во површинскиот коп „Усје“ при титан цементарница Усје 2011
7. Monitoring of the environment of the town of Kavadarci and the Tikvesh area2011
8. Analysis of Macedonian English Interlanguage at proficiency levels A1, A2 and B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) with special emphasis on cross-linguistic influence (2010-2012)2010
9. Development of Environment and Resource Engineering learning- DEREL2010
10. Development of New Land Governance Studies in Macedonia and Ukraine 2010
11. Building Capacity for Structural Reform in Higher Education of Western Balkan Countries2010
12. Appliance of the long-living cosmogen (26al,10be) nucleoids in the determination of the level of erosion in the area of the Alshar deposit 2010
13. Ultralow concentrations of arsenic and thallium in the soils in Republic of Macedonia2010
14. Innovation and knowledge management towards e-student information system2010
15. Study on sustainable development of organic production in the Eastern Plan Region2010
16. Correlation between the geomagnetic field of Macedonia and Slovenia2010
17. Diagnostics, control and protection from phytoplasma - causes of diseases in grape vines and the surrounding vegetation2010
18. "Legal aspects of forms and factors of mobbing in the Republic of Macedonia"2010
19. "Using local resources for micro-regional development – sustainable agribusiness and tourism in the southern Balkan"2010
20. „Exploration of Balkan biodiversity of capsicum spp. to extract biotic stress resistant germplasm”2010
21. "Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform"2010
22. “Anthropogenic effects on the human environment in the Neogene basins in the SE Europe”2010
23. Integrated Management of Phytoplasma Epidemics in Different Crop System2009
24. Activities to promote studying abroad at Goce Delcev University, Stip, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia2009
25. Video Conferencing Services for Education2009
26. Designing and implementing of the NQF, 145165 – TEMPUS – 2008 – SE – SMHES (2008-4763)2009
27. "Upgrading the curricula for the Macedonian language as a foreign language"2009
28. Establishment of agricultural research and information center at Goce Delcev University - Stip2008
29. Providing optimal conditions in vegetable production by use of renewable sources of energy2008
30. Cooperative Research on 2-D Soil-Structure Interaction Model with P-SV Plane Wave2008
31. "Agro-ecological evaluation of new Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties" 2008
32. "Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia" 145061-Tempus-2008-UK-JPHES 2008
33. "Rare and trace metals in the Macedonian mines: Economic and Environmental Implications"2008
34. Создавање на хаплоидна пиперка (Capsicum annuum L.)во in vitro услови2007
35. Истражување и стратегиска определба за воведување на континуирана технологија за експлоатација на лапорци во рудникот „Усје" при групација Титан Цементарница „Усје“ АД - Скопје (развојно истражувачки проект со кофинансирање)2007
36. Стратегија на развој на рударството и минералната индустрија во Македонија и усогласување со рударската легислатива и директивите на ЕУ2007
37. Implementation of Novel Biotechnological Methods Towards Food Security2007
38. Global epidemiology of phytoplasma diseases of economic importance in Southeast Europe2007
39. Correlation between Eocene flysch sediments of Macedonia and Slovenia and its impact on the regional paleogeographic studying of the flysh basins2007
40. Dynamic analysis of structures with flexible foundation using method of finite differences2007
41. "Impact of mining on the concentration of heavy metals in water, sediments, soils and plants in Republic of Macedonia"2007
42. JICA Project for investigation of the soil quality in Macedonia2006
43. Integrating E-Learning across Teachers Curriculum2006
44. Underground Coal Exploitation with Velenje Method in Republic of Macedonia2006
45. Water pollution of the Lake Ohrid and pollution of soils around it by discharge of mines and their deposits2006
46. Contamination and protection of the ground water in the alluvial sediments of the Bregalnica River related to the hydrogeological characteristics2006
47. Determination of the sanitary protective zones around Stip underground water wells from the Bregalnica river alluvion by its comparison to the Zagreb underground water wells from the Sava river alluvion2006
48. "Obtaining haploids in anther culture of pepper (C. annuum L.) and their inclusion in the breeding process"2006
49. "Rice blast disease in Republic of Macedonia and Peoples Republic of China, sources for resistance and material for selection"2006
50. Болести кај пиперката во Македонија и Бугарија - видова и расна разновидност, извори на отпорност и материјал за селекција2005
51. “Thrombophillia – Hereditary syndrome” Slovenia-Macedonian intergovernmental scientific and technical cooperation programme for 2004-2005, Project ID: BI-MK/04-05-0102005
52. Главен рударски проект за експлоатација на архитектонско - градежен камен гранит на локалитетот “Сурун“ - С. Дупјачани - Горно Село - Прилеп2004
53. Проучување на фитоплазмите како причинители на заболувања кај различни земјоделски култури2004
54. “Проценка на хроничните периапикални лезии при конзервативен и оперативен третман (клиничка, рентгенолошка, микробиолошка, патхистолошка и имунохемиска студија) - Национален проект (2000 – 2003). 40228500/. II2003
55. Blood fibrinolytic activity in patients with oral-surgery interventions- Национален проект - (2000-2003) - 40230800/02003
56. Можности за примена на некои нови методи за добивање на безвирусен посадочен материјал2000
57. Проучување на важните причинители на болести и штетни инсекти на пиперката на подрачјето на општина Струмица со посебен осврт на мерките за заштита1996
58. Проучување на причинителите на бактериските заболувања кај пиперката во струмичкиот регион1995